Surviving the Holidays ( 3 easy tips)
Happy Holidays!

Wow this year has flown by! Can you believe it is almost Christmas? Hope you have been good so Santa can visit you!  🎅🏽

If you are like us we tend to travel during the Holiday season at least 1 or 2 times... and our bodies need some extra support because well it's the Holidays and we tend to enjoy all the foods & activities! So let's get to 4 easy tips to help your enjoy the season: 

1. Enzymes!!! They help break down your food so they are different than probiotics.  Why do we need enzymes? Because I enjoy eating sweet potatoes with extra marshmallows, and extra hot rolls...... 
To add extra digestive support I make sure I have digize or tummygize on hand too...  Personally, I apply the Digize on my tummy & rub clockwise. It helps me have a Movement! 😉

2. Breathe! Yep I said it, Breathe! Traveling, buying gifts, cleaning house, cooking food, and entertaining can be so draining, so take a moment and just breathe! Take 4 deep breaths hold it & then breathe out 4 counts! IF you want to enhance it open up your frankincense or stress away & breathe it in for the 4 counts. You can literally feel your body start relaxing! 

3. Take time to rest! Traveling & sleeping in bed that isn't your own sometimes causes not the greatest sleep. If you are able grab your diffuser & travel with it. I like putting a combo of lavender & thieves or sleepyize with thieves in the diffuser. It helps me rest & also helps with my immune system. We all know that stress can lower your immune system & we don't need that while we are traveling or being around lots of people. And I will just say it, "Take that nap!" Whether you are hosting or traveling if you feel like your body needs a quick nap, then do it! Listen to your body!

Now that you have a few tips to help you survive, let's go enjoy our Holidays together! May you have a Merry Christmas  & remember it's a time to celebrate the great things of 2022! 

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