Where did summer go? I feel like summers are getting shorter and the days are getting hotter! 😂
Since we are shifting gears to get ready, let's talk about some of my must haves for the school year!
First let's talk about germs, ya'll they are everywhere, I get it. BUT what are you doing to boost up your immune system? Did you know you can help your body function in a healthier state? I hear all the time, its normal for my kids to get sick month after month.... Yal'll that is NOT normal! That is your bodies way of screaming saying I need help to fight off what is trying to attack me!
So what can we do? ( thanks for asking)
1. Food- make sure you are getting good foods in their body, like carrots/celery for a snack, instead of chips before dinner.
If you can't get good food enough ( i get it, my kids are picky), then let's get some good supplements in them to help supplement on the days they don't get enough!
There are 3 supplements my kids take when we haven't eaten well:: Kidscents mightyvites, kidscents mightyzyme, kidscents mightypro.
2. Good sleep! I know when you are having to get up early, and long school days, then homework, then sports practice, then late dinner, then finally bed, and back up again....... Our Kids need more & better sleep! Put the sleepyize in the diffuser 20 minutes before bed or while they are in the shower getting ready for bed. They may even need unwind to help slow their thinking down, plus has magnesium in it that can help with growing bodies. (Look up all the benefits of magnesium) I also have immupro on hand for those days they seem to be "extra" tired & cranky. It has melatonin in it & can help get a good deep sleep.
What about while they are at school what can we do to help them? I mean the days are long.....

Kidscents Starter Bundle:: It comes with a diffuser, Sleepyize, owie, geneyus, snifflease, and tummygize
Diffuser- it only takes 1-2 drops of your chosen oil to be effective.
Sleepyize- Aroma promotes feelings of relaxation and tranquility and helps create a calming, restful atmosphere
Owie:-naturally soothes, has an aroma that is calming in times of distress, and features premium essential oils that support the appearance of healthy-looking skin.
Geneyus:- excellent to diffuse when children need to re-center during homework time, also helps promotes creativity.
Snifflease-has an aroma that helps ease feelings of discomfort and supports the feeling of normal, clear breathing.
Tummygize- naturally comforting aroma that may help when dealing with tiny tummies.
Last but not least let's boost up that immune system: Thieves & immugummies! We use thieves oil every night on the bottom of our feet. I also diffuse thieves when we have get together in our home. We also have now implemented the newly released immugummies, they taste so good. they also have no added flavors or colors!
Now that you have some of my MUST HAVES, go and get these products in your house and get ready for the school year!
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