Happy New Year!
Wow! Can you believe it, we are in 2023!! I know they say times flies, but goodness!
Naturally that it's a new year we are supposed to celebrate & make new resolutions or goals! And or course I have those friends that are like if I don't make resolutions then I won't be disappointed at the end of the year....
SO let's just chat for a minute & look & see what that really looks like...
I remember hearing the quote if you don't write it down a goal it is just a wish! Well heck I don't want just wishes, I want results & abundance!
Let me give you just a few tips/goals of mine for this year....
1. Be intentional!
I am going to be intentional with my time... Getting up before my kids & getting some business tasks done before we start breakfast & homeschooling. And honestly only being the 3rd day in I have been doing really good working on my businesses! I just finished this 15day training course & it has really helped me understand how much easier it could be!
2. Set realistic Goals/Expectations/Intentions!
Don't get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. Set goals that work for you & your family, not what John Jones is doing over there... Just like my counselor reminded me to pick 3-5 tasks that need to get done each day & if you don't get it all done, roll it over to the next! You mean I don't have to do laundry, vacuum, wash clothes, do dishes, cook, homeschool, clean bathrooms, work on my business, reorganize all in one day? 🤣
NOpe, pick 3-5 things a day & get it done! Start simple, make your bed every morning! Now this doesn't mean don't challenge yourself to grow, but set realistic goals for YOU!
3. Heal the Hurt
Yep, let's do some healing this year! It's time for you to let _________ go! I know healing means you will have to bring up what/who hurt you, but I promise you, letting go will help you not only physically but mentally! Did you know that anger gets stored in the liver? Did you know a lot of alcoholics are angry? And if you are loving/flushing out that liver, it's just getting stored & causing it to fail? So, I'll let you sit there & think about that for a minute!
So where do we start? Personally, I would get in with a good counselor! I have had a wonderful experience with Better Help. They paired me with this wonderful lady who has helped me through my panic attacks, grief, anxiety, and some false beliefs!
If that isn't just for you, then start simple, but on some soothing music, and just breathe, cry, release! I would add in some emotional oils like release, present time, frankincense, gratitude, or grounding, - they will help you let your ego down to start the healing process! (In my opinion of course)
And one last thought on healing ( i have lots more) ... But forgiving someone doesn't mean you have to let them back in your life! 😉 (yes even family) ....
Okay now that you have a few tips to start the year off in the right direction, go & set you goals! Write them out, post them on your wall, you got this! Shoot, comment below so we can cheer you on!
Let's have a great year!
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