I never thought of myself ever as a blogger, but here we are in 2020 and I am writing my 1st blog. It's amazing how much self reflection has already happened this year. I know for me before this year even started my word was/is TRANSFORMATION. Little did I know what this year would have in store!
I am going to share with you just 3 of my a-ha moments...
Isolated Schooling is hard. Yes I said Isolated schooling not homeschooling! We had already chosen a lifestyle of homeschooling/ Montessori learning to fit into our families dynamic. But ya'll this isolated schooling was so hard, my girls didn't understand why school stopped, why they couldn't see their friends, etc... The easiest way we could describe it was that people are afraid of germs. Was that right? Who knows, but we felt our children didn't need to have the worries of the world. So for those of you looking to homeschool, its actually a lot different than what is perceived. Thankfully this fall it has looked closer to what we had envisioned for our family & we have a great support system!
Being in a Multi-racial relationship is complicated. Yep, I said it! On paper we are mostly referred as "other". To some people we have jumped the fence or stole a good man/woman from their race. All the above is hurtful. I am not asking you to apologize for what someone else has said or thought, but I am asking you to be mindful of what you say. Can I share with you that today in this world, sometimes it's scary to go in public, b/c I can't control what you are assuming of us b/c the color of our skin. Yes I just saw what you posted on social media.... Your words/pictures/things you share speak loudly!
I know many people have asked us for insight.... We have advise, but in private setting we will share, we don't want our words being misinterpreted as much as we can control it 😉
I have done a lot of self healing! I didn't realize I had been holding to things from college. Things that have held me back in being ME ! So how did I do this, well there are so many things that I did & continually do still!
*Reading/listening to self help books! Here are some of my favorites
Energy Bus ( Mach 2 ( )
Rich Dad Poor Dad ( ) Prayers of the Praying Wife ( )
* Really dug deep into learning the 4 types of personalities. It's usually referred to gems or color personalities, but the one I did was so much more in depth. I found that I had floated to different personalities because of hurt that I had felt from friends/family. Once this made senseand why I leaned one way or the other, it helped me realize who I am at the core!
These tips have really helped not only in homeschooling & my girls different learning styles, but in my marriage, and in my business. This training was priceless! So Thank you Christa!
Mahalo for listening to me talk about 2020! Hope that 1 thing will bless you life! And be on the look out in the next few weeks for some of my tips on how to de-clutter before the Holidays! We do this every November!
Malia 🌺
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Aunt Pam